Friday, March 28, 2014

LIVE BROADCOST of 24HR SR Marathon begins Sat. at 5PM

LIVE VIDEO FEED for our 24-HOUR SCRIPTURE READING MARATHON beginning 5:00pm this Saturday (EST).  Check it out:

There are about 5 more time slots needing readers. Contact the church office at 704-875-6581 by 3pm today (Friday) or contact Marcus.  You are welcome to swing by the Discipleship Center throughout this experience to sit and listen to God's Word read aloud. 

APRIL 6 is our next DNow SignUp Deadline...Get Aboard!

DNow 2014
April 25-27
Location: First Baptist Church - Huntersville & Host Homes
For: Students in grades 6–12 and lots of Adult Volunteers

Price includes: admission to all worship rallies (speaker, band, prizes), lodging in church host homes, small breakouts groups, crazy field games, Saturday morning service projects, t-shirt, weekend discipleship material and all meals.

D*NOW (discipleship weekend) is the biggest weekend of the year for the Student Ministry of First Baptist Church of Huntersville. This weekend is built around growing in our love for God and each other. Our whole church body loves the energy students bring to our campus during this event and enjoys the partnerships created with other churches and local ministries.

On Friday and Saturday night, families from the church open their homes and "adopt" a group of students for a weekend. These groups are made up of 6–8 middle or high school students and 2 college-age small group leaders.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE is tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. led by Dr. Jeff Rogers in the sanctuary. Please join us!

FELLOWSHIP MEAL will take place at 5:00 p.m. as usual for those who have made previous reservations.

AMPLIFY & SMALL GROUPS will not meet this Wednesday due to the Ash Wednesday Service. Youth are encouraged to attend this Lenten service. SMC band practice will meet immediately following the service in the Xchange to prepare for the Upward Celebration on Saturday.

YOUTH LISTENING SESSION will take place this Sunday, March 9, 10:10 - 11:40 a.m. beginning in the Xchange & then moving to breakout classrooms.

TIME CHANGES THIS SUNDAY, March 9th. Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour before going to bed Saturday night, March 8th.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

"Early Bird" Sign-Up Deadline for D.NOW WEEKEND is today for FBCH Students

The "EARLY BIRD" SIGN-UP DEADLINE for D.Now Weekend is today for all the FBCH Students! April 6 is the deadline for all their friends to get aboard! Checkout this video from last year's! Enjoy!