Monday, December 21, 2009

Parent/Youth Forum - January 10th!!

January 10th at 4:00-5:00pm in the Student Exchange there will be an opportunity for parents and youth to see what's on the horizon for our student ministry calendar and begin to plan accordingly. Dawn and Marcus will share initial details on these:
Summer Student Mission Trip/Choir Tour to West Virginia
Youth Choir & Handbell Festivals
Wednesday Night Student Small Group Electives
D. Now Weekend
Senior Trip
& more...
Initial forms for these events will be available at the meeting. Come & explore opportunities for our students to participate in ministry together.

Friday, December 11, 2009

GET READY FOR THE NEW WED. NITE GROUP ELECTIVES! 6pm large group, 6:30pm electives

Watch for upcoming commercials advertising the leaders and content of these small group electives to begin in January. Wednesday nights provide more opportunities to deepen your relationships with each other and God! Plus...the electives ROCK! Also if you are an adult, college & career age or Jr/Sr in high school and would like to help with one of these groups beginning January, contact Marcus asap. (:
1) Drawing from Scripture (Art)
During the art option, you will explore scripture through the use of mixed media expression and drawing meaning from the process.
2) Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball or Team Handball (Sports)
For those of you that want to burn some energy and like organized competition, this is for you. During this time, you will be placed on a team and play a game of Ultimate Frisbee, Volley Ball or Team Handball.
3) For Juniors & Seniors Only (Discussion & Accountability Small Group)
One of the largest life changes that can be made is graduating high school, leaving home and moving off to college, or getting into the working world. This time is designed to encourage & equip you, as a Junior or Senior, with the necessary knowledge to be prepared for the first year out of high school. It will discuss how to prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the change that will be taking place.
4) Hanging with the Techies (Technical)
During the technical option, you will be introduced to the lighting, sound and visual equipment used in the exchange, including a basic explanation of how it is set up and how to properly run it. You’ll also be given an opportunity to choose an area of interest, spend time with the equipment & help run it on Sundays.
5) A Call to Worship – SMC Praise Bands 1 & 2 (Music)
This option is a time for you to express and communicate through worship in song & instrument. You’ll come together for about an hour to not only learn a song or two together as a group, but learn to lead them as a praise band. Newer musicians will break off to work on their skills while the other group will prepare for Sunday’s student SMC.
6) WWM - WorldWide Missions (Missions)
This team will implement projects both local and international that share Gods love. No matter if you feel called to full time missions or are exploring what it means to live a life of missions, this option will help you discover how to love your neighbors into God’s Kingdom. All of us are called to be missionaries no matter where we are or what our surroundings look like. This option will explore what the Bible says about missions and look at practical ways that can help you get plugged into a world of needs and opportunity.
7) Guitar (Instrumental)
Got a Guitar? Want a Guitar? Want to play radio tunes, but you’re not sure how? Don't know the difference between a fret board and a tuning peg? Maybe you are ready to go electric. Regardless of your skill level and knowledge, this option will try to answer all these questions. You’ll learn how to maintain and care for guitars, teach each other chords, and figure out how to put it all together to make music! WARNING!!! These are not formal guitar lessons, but instead a relaxed forum for all musicians of all levels hanging out, learn from each other & creating Music.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Attention All Youth and Bible Study Leaders Regarding Sun., Dec. 27

On Sunday, Dec. 27, there will be TWO worship services at the 10:30am hour (English speaking in the Sanctuary & Latio congregation in the Student Exchange). There will be no regular small group bible studies that morning. Please help pass this word along and watch for wondering youth and families that Sunday morning who might be unaware of these changes.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Youth "Ugly Christmas Sweater Party"- Get out that hideous looking sweater you couldn't even give away...and wear it to the FBCH youth party in the Youth Exchange on Dec. 20th from 6:30-9:30pm.

What to Bring: a wrapped white elephant gag gift under $5, a donation of a warm blanket and a friend.

We also need folks to sign up to bring a dish/food to share! If you can, please contact Lisa Orr at to coordinate the food! Merry Christmas!!! from Mac "Sugarloaf" Ingland

Caroling at Local Nursing Homes & Shut-ins' Homes

Permission forms for this activity can be found in the breezeway of our discipleship center. Forms will also be available this Wedneday night to youth involved in the large group activities lead this week by Jamie Warner. Please remember to pick up your bright red form and bring it with you filled out by your parents this Saturday to participate.

PSALM 55:22 - How God Can Bless Others Through You - Devotion

I was driving home from a meeting this evening about 5pm, stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd., and the car started to choke and splutter and die - I barely managed to coast into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. It wouldn't even turn over... Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the quickie mart building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay.When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen; she was ayoung woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her.. It was a nickel.

At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95.. I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying 'I don't want my kids to see me crying! ,'so we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now. So I asked, 'And you were praying?' That made her back away from me a little, but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, 'He heard you, and He sent me.'I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely, and while it was fueling, walked to the next door McDonald's and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the car, who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.

She told me her name, and that she lived in Kansas City Her boyfriend left 2 months ago and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn't have money to pay rent Jan. 1, and finally, in desperation, had called her parents, with whom she had not spoken in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there.So she packed up everything she owned in the car. She told the kids they were going to California for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there. I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car, she said, 'So, are you like an angel or something?'

This definitely made me cry. I said, 'Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people.'It was so incredible to be a part of someone else's miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. I'll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won't find anything wrong. (devo written by a Metro Denver Hospice Physician)

Monday, November 30, 2009

2010 Camp Staff Needed at Camp Mundo Vista

Cabin leaders, worship leaders, life guards, unit leaders and assistant leaders are now being recruited for the summer to serve at Camp Mundo Vista. Salaries range from $155 - $225 per week.

Who: Mature Young women - rising seniors or recent high school graduates - college and grad students. A staffer must be a growing Christian and an active church member and must possess a love for children, a dedication to God and His mission in the world, a desire to serve and minister in Christ's name and a strong work ethic.

When: June 2 - August 7, 2010

Where: Camp Mundo Vista - Asheboro, NC

How: Apply online at or e-mail Tammy Tate at for more information.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Mays' Family - Nate & Savanna's grandma (Ms. Betty Mays) died Monday morning. Funeral will be this Saturday in Charlotte.

Dawn Tatum - She is experiencing high blood pressure & spent Monday night in Presby-Huntersville Hospital for test.

A girl that needs to know this Thanksgiving how much God loves her and has a plan for her life!

Idea --- Phone blitz them (text messages) with your notes of love & care.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Youth "Ugly Sweater" Christmas Party - Dec. 20th

Again, don't forget to raid your grandparents' closets over Thanksgiving break to find those incredibly hideous sweaters so you can wear them to the youth Christmas party on Sunday, December 20th at 6:30-9:30pm in the Exchange. Who knows, you might just need to look in your own closet for an ugly sweater. Prizes will be possibly a fashion makeover! Mark those calendars and watch for more details to come. Oh...Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!


Kudos to all those amazing youth who led us in worship this past Sunday! It was great seeing the drama in Sunday Morning Celebration. Encore! Encore. Everyone knew we had some major hams...this just proved it. Also great work as usually behind the sound & light board (our crazy techies). I owe you for that ugly sweater visual... All you praise band folks are such a blessings. And didn't O.V.C. and Youth Hand Bells do a good job in both our services? Keep up the good work and keep sharing those talents! Remember...they came from God!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tentative January-April Small Group Electives

What are you doing on Wednesday Nites?! If you are at home watching tv or on your computer, just STOP IT!! There are just too many GREAT alternatives at First Baptist for our youth! Here is was the January small group elective line up is starting to look like.
1. Hanging with the Techies - technical option introducing our lighting, sound and visual equipment
2. Drawing from Scripture - artistic option exploring using mixed media how to draw meaning from scripture
3. Ultimate Frisbee, V-ball or Team Handball - Energetic option through competative play
4. For Juniors & Seniors Only - Optional designed to encourage and equip Juniors and Seniors in their transition beyond high school graduation
5. A Call to Worship - musical option developing the SMC Praise Band and introducing talented newcomers to student worship
6. WWM - World Wide Missions - This option will explore what the Bible says about missions and look at practical ways to help you plug into a world of needs and opportunity
7. Guitar - musical option to future your jammin for Jesus on the guitar

YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY - DEC. 20, 6:30-9:30pm

Mark your calendars for "The Ugly Sweater" Christmas Party on Sunday, December 20 from 6:30-9:30pm in the Youth Exchange of First Baptist Huntersville! Watch for more details to come!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


The Youth Council will meet this coming Sunday, November 15th, from 12-2pm in room DC101. Remember to bring $3 for pizza, drinks provided and come representing your peers. Items to be discussed are Wednesday night small group electives for 2010, D-Now weekend (themes, ideas), SMC, Summer Mission Trip, fun fellowship activities to put on the calendar for the youth, etc. Pray for Marcus and the YC as they envision what the Student Ministry will look like in 2010!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Good Job Everyone on the Fall Festival!!

Good job to all the youth and adults who helped make this year's fall festival a blast! Kids and families had a positive experience thanks to your participation and enthusiasm.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Attention All Youth & Student Sunday School Teachers!!!
Here is an update on where we stand with this Wednesday night's Childrens Fall Festival games. If you are able to join us and would like to help, contact Marcus Mims today.

Fishing Booth - (9th-10th grade co-ed class)
Corn Hole - (6th & 7th grade boys class)
Bonfire & Smores - (11th grade co-ed class)
Cup-Cake Walk - (6th & 7th grade girls class)
Face Painting - (12th grade co-ed class)
Cookie Decorating - Tina B. & friends
Pumpkin Ring Toss -
Cow-a-Bunga Football Toss -
Apple Basket Free Throw -
Etc - If you have an idea, see Marcus!

If you have any questions regarding participation in or leading any of these stations, please contact Marcus at or 704-875-6581 ext. 15. Hope you are ready for some Good Ole Fashion F....U.....N!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ATTENTION YC Members & Youth Sunday School Teachers!!

SUPERDUPER HUGE-O Youth Leader Training
This leadership resource can generate some good conversation among our student ministry leadership. Let me know if there are any takers. This is a weekday and we would have to leave at the latest 4:30pm and return around 10:30pm. This will be FREE to our Student SS Teachers and High School YC members and a MEAL is included! The only cost to you is your time.

Date, Time & Location
Nov. 3 (Tuesday), 6-9pm, Wilkesboro Baptist Church
Meal Included -----Door Prizes & iPod Giveaway

Check your schedule and let me know by this Sunday if there are any takers. I am already registered. I will register any other takers. This can be a quick training trip that I believe can benifit our student ministry. The materials covered in the Sunday school training will be LifeWay; however, the strategies will be transferrable. Just let me know by Oct. 28th!!

Be.Do.Tell. ----The Student Ministry division of the NC State Convention presents this opportunity to receive some exciting and relevant training that will help student ministries. Training will be offered in the following areas: youth sunday school, youth missions, youth discipleship, youth worship, transitions after graduation, youth ministry planning. Check out all of the details of the breakout sessions below.

a. Making Student Disciples Through Sunday School Sunday School is a ministry strategy for making student disciples. Participants will take away ideas for making their student Sunday School a significant part of their churches "Disciple-making process".

b. Life-Changing Bible Study for Students "Where there is no involvement there is no learning." Participants will take away a simple, four step plan for building a life-changing Bible study that involves them in discovering biblical truths for themselves.

c. Drawing M.A.P.S. for Your Student Ministry Missions for Student Ministry in the 21 Century.

d. HELP! I Am Planning Our Mission Trip Student Mission Trip Planning From A to Z.

e. Transitions after Graduation Our students are about to graduate from high school. Now what? Do we just leave them alone to “find their own way” in college or the world? Does my ministry need to be involved with these life transitions?

f. Making the Most of Your Senior Year What do you do with those high school students who are seniors and ready to move on? How do you keep them engaged in a positive and meaningful way? Can these folks become coaches and mentors to other students?

g. Five Keys to Effective Youth Ministry In seeking to reach this generation for Christ there are five keys that will help youth leaders be more effective. These keys are: leadership, relevance, ministry opportunity, assimilation and spiritual health. Come discover ways to unlock effective youth ministry in your church.

h. Tattoos, Technology and Toe Rings Current statistics and trends about this generation. How are we going to reach them for Christ?

i. Making the Band: Growing a Student-Led Praise Band The session will focus on the basics for beginning a praise band and taking it to the next level for worship leadership.

j. Made for Worship: Returning to the Heart of Youth Music The session will emphasize leading youth to understand the difference between musical worship and simply musical performance. For all leaders, soloists, and ensembles – vocal and instrumental.

[Price: $10.00 per person (meal included) ---- This will be covered for our student leadership!]

Monday, October 19, 2009

3-on-3 Tournament Results

What a great start to an annual basketball tournament for world hunger! The weather was chilly and sunny. Some community turned out to have a great afternoon at North Meck Park full of competition and world hunger support. $227 was raised not to include the gracious donation of the park's usage. Kudos to Huntersville Parks & Recreation!! The community fellowship alone was priceless!

Congrats to Jacob Rivera for owning the free throw & the 3-point competition. Garren Thomas walked home with the half-court trophy. Congratulations also goes out to the "Iron Starz" & "The Tigers" for winning the 1st place trophies in the 1st & 2nd brackets. This year's prizes were 2 UNCC anytime tickets per person, Bobcat t-shirts, Chick-fil-a coupons, trophies and bragging rights! Of course the real reward was knowing that some individuals who wouldn't have food on their do! To God be the Glory!!

More Kudos go out to the Charlotte 49ers Athletics which donated all those great basketball tickets, the Awards North for their donation of the wonderful trophies & the Chick-Fil-A in Huntersville for their generous donation of meal coupons. You all ROCK!!

A SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Tatum, Garren Thomas, Andrew Danner, John Novak, Rob Stephens, David Hartman, Aaron Adams & Arturo Moreno. Your involvement helped make this event successful!


Hooked on Nascar with first lap!
Good think?
What a show by Toby Mac & crew!!

Need speedway seat directions? Ask these two experts!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Upward Basketball Evaluations Need Youth Helpers

Upward Basketball evaluations are occurring next week (Oct. 19, 20, 22) at LNBC from 6-9pm. Garren Thomas, the First Baptist Church coordinator for Upward, is looking for youth assistance (10th - 12th grade). Contact Garren directly if you are will and able to help.


If you wish to attend this event with the FBC youth, tonight will be the last plug Marcus will make for it. He calls in the numbers in the morning. They leave from the church at 11am and return to the church around 9:30pm. The concert(s) will run from 2-6:30pm and the race will begin at 7:30pm. This schedule will allow traffic going to the track, tailgating (bring $ or food for lunch/supper), concert(s) and then an hour & 1/2 of the race. Cost is only $30.

Charlotte - Oct 17! TobyMac, Mercy Me, Fee & Robert Pierre invade Lowe's Motor Speedway! 4 Great Bands & 500 miles of Excitement!

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

We need teams to sign-up for this event. Contact your friends and get them aboard today! This is going to be a whole lot of fun. The weather also looks like its going to be pretty. So get busy drumming up business among your peers for this basketball extravaganza at North Meck Park and help us reduce hunger!

Preparing for the Children's HARVEST FESTIVAL - Oct. 28th

I hope everyone has begun to choose a game station for our Children's Harvest Festival which they will be responsible for on Oct. 28 from 6-7:30pm. This year our youth will sponsor the Harvest Festival. The Youth Council felt the Sunday school classes would be the best route to facilitate this event and began spreading the word last Sunday for station assignments. The most recent station ideas were the fishing booth, cookie decorating, cup-cake walk, Bing-bag toss, face painting, etc. If your Sunday school class has decided on a station they would like to be responsible for, please contact Marcus as soon as possible at Remember to contact the church office to make your supper reservations (hot dog meal) if you plan to eat at the church.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


First Baptist Church-Huntersville is hosting the CMS Parent University class "Just Visiting - Internet and Cyber Safety Class" on Monday, October 5th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This session, which will be held in the Education Building, is taught by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and offers families information on how to limit risks posed by Internet predators and reduce access to inappropriate sites. The session will also explore current trends in young people's internet usage and the important role the internet plays today in social interaction. To register for the class, call 980.343.0318 or visit (click on Parent tab and then Parent University).

Monday, September 28, 2009


Our next meeting will be OCTOBER 4 at 12:00-2pm in room 101 in the Discipleship Center. Students, remember to email or call your representative and let them know any ideas or suggestions you have for our student ministry for the upcoming year. Also remember to share any prayer concerns and/or praises that you may have so the council can lift them up in prayer as well.


THE OLD FISHERMAN (a short story emailed to me)
Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to out-patients at the Clinic. One summer evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the door I opened it to see a truly awful looking man. 'Why, he's hardly taller than my eight-year-old,' I thought as I stared at the stooped, shriveled body. But the appalling thing was his face, lopsided from swelling, red and raw Yet his voice was pleasant as he said, 'Good evening. I've come to see if you've a room for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning from the eastern shore, and there's no bus 'till morning.' He told me he'd been hunting for a room since noon but with no success; no one seemed to have aroom. 'I guess it's my face. I know it looks terrible, but my doctor says with a few more treatments...'

For a moment I hesitated, but his next words convinced me: 'I could sleep in this rocking chair on the porch.. My bus leaves early in the morning.' I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch. I went inside and finished getting supper. When we were ready, I asked the old man if he would join us. 'No thank you. I have plenty' And he held up a brown paper bag. When I had finishedthe dishes, I went out on the porch to talk with him a few minutes. It didn't take a long time to see that this old man had an oversized heart crowded into that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to support his daughter, her five children and her husband, who was hopelessly crippled from a back injury. He didn't tell it by way of complaint; in fact, every other sentence was prefaced with thanks to God for a blessing. He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form of skin cancer. He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.

At bedtime, we put a camp cot in the children's room for him. When I got up in the morning, the bed linens were neatly folded, and the little man was out on the porch. He refused breakfast, but just before heleft for his bus, haltingly, as if asking a great favor, he said, 'Could I please come back and stay the next time I have a treatment? I won't put you out a bit. I can sleep fine in a chair.' He paused a moment and then added, 'Your children made me feel at home. Grownups are bothered by my face, but children don't seem to mind.' I told him he was welcome to come again. And on his next trip he arrived a little after seven in the morning. As a gift, he brought a big fish and a quart of the largest oysters I had ever seen. He said he had shucked them that morning before he left so that they'd be nice and fresh. I knew his bus left at 4 a..m. , and I wondered what time he had to get up in order to do this forus.

In the years he came to stay overnight with us there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden. Other times we received packages in the mail, always by special delivery; fish and oysters packed in a box of fresh young spinach or kale, every leaf carefully washed. Knowing that he must walk three miles to mail these and knowing how little money he had made the gifts doubly precious.

When I received these little remembrances, I often thought of a comment our next-door neighbor made a fter he left that first morning. 'Did you keep that awful looking man last night? Iturned him away! You can lose roomers by putting up such people!' Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice But, oh! If only they could have known him, perhaps their illness would have been easier to bear. I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude to God.

Recently I was visiting a friend who has a greenhouse. As she showed me her flowers, we came to the most beautiful one of all, a golden chrysanthemum, bursting with blooms. But to my great surprise, it was growing in an old dented, rusty bucket. I thought to myself, 'If this were my plant, I'd put it in the loveliest container I had!' My friend changed my mind. 'I ran short of pots,' sheexplained, 'and knowing how beautiful this one would be, I thought it wouldn't mind starting out in this old pail. It's just for a little while, till I can put it out in the garden.' She must have wondered why I laughed so delightedly, but I was imagining just such a scene in heaven. There's an especially beautiful one,' God might have said when he came to the soul of the sweet old fisherman. 'He won't mind starting in this small body.' All this happened long ago -- and now, in God's garden, how tall this lovely soul must stand.

The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.' Friends are very special. They make you smile and encourage youto succeed. They lend an ear and they share a word of praise. Show your friends how much you care.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Here is our new Youth Council that will be assisting Marcus & the adult support group in shaping what the student ministry will look like in the months ahead. If any students have ideas, concerns or thoughts that they would like represented at the youth council meetings, share it with the your grade representative. They are eager to serve and I know for just our first meeting that this year is going to ROCK!!!

Kylie Nall (pres.), Davis Seeger (vice pres.)
Aaron Adams, Jessika Doras (connection catalysts)
Taylor Doras, Drew Barnett (worship catalysts) &
Grade Representatives:
12th - Savannah Mays
11th - Emily Seeger
10th - Mac Ingland
9th - Sam Orr
8th - Bethany Kreitter
7th - Even MeMellon, Annie Tsumas
6th - Katie Novak, Brittany Morris

The next Youth Council Meeting will be Sunday, Oct. 4 @ 12-2pm in the Discipleship Center room 101. Council lunch options are to brown bag it, order pizza & chip in $ or order Jason's Deli delivery.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Signups – See flyer on league website ( or pick one up at the church office. Flyers will also be distributed through your school or via mail, if you participated last year. Evaluation and Uniform Fitting – Mon, Tue & Thu (10/19/09, 20 & 22 from 6pm to 9pm at Lake Norman Baptist). Everyone must attend one basketball evaluation or cheerleading orientation.

Early Registration ends 10/16/09. Price jumps from $74 to $84 after that date, so sign up now. Final Registration is 10/22/09. Absolutely no registrations will be accepted after 10/22.

Our league also needs coaches (basketball and cheerleading), referees, game day help, devotion speakers, and more. Whether you have coached, refereed, or assisted in the past – or – whether you have never been involved before, we need you. Upward is a faith-based league and is a great outreach program for our community. Please consider joining us in this ministry. With your help, we can make this one of the best seasons ever. Games run each Saturday for eight weeks beginning January 16.

If you have any questions, need additional information, want to sign your child up, or volunteer for one of the above needs, then contact Garren Thomas at: or 704-875-8496 (home).

Thanks Garren for serving as our commissioner for upward basketball. Let us do our part as well to offer you and the rest of the team the assistance you need to make this year the best it can be.

Friday, September 11, 2009

It this something you would be interested in attending? Let Marcus know asap so we can plan it. However, we still need you to be be there to support the 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament raising money for World Hunger on Sunday, October 18th (the next day) following church!

Charlotte - Oct 17! TobyMac, Mercy Me, Fee & Robert Pierre invade Lowe's Motor Speedway! 4 Great Bands & 500 miles of Excitement!

S.W.A.T. TEAM RECRUITMENT for World Hunger Day

Reminding everyone that World Hunger Day is fast approaching (Sept. 26th) and it is that time again to rally the troops (youth) for the SWAT Team. From year to year this event could not occur if it wasn't for the amazing youth who give of their time and energy to serve our Lord by helping in various ways. Youth would help setting up, taking down, cleaning up and all the while having attitudes that point others to the difference God makes in a believer's heart. Wow! What a witness! If you fit these qualifications - you breathe, love God & want to make a difference - email Tom Pluer (this year's SWAT Team Coordinator) the info below at a.s.a.p. and watch God work!
Cellular #_________
Time available to help on:
Friday (Sept.25)______
Saturday (Sept.26)_______
Particular Department:______
T-Shirt Size: _______

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Anyone interested in attending or chaperoning a group to the Revolve Tour in Charlotte on October 2-3? This is a weekend for teen girls (6th-12th grade) and is full of amazing music, relevant real-life stories, drama and excitement to truly get their spiritual batteries charged. For more information go to "". Marcus needs to hear from interested chaperons & youth BY SEPT. 20th!! Cost is $60 per person for conference. This does not include lodging because it is in Charlotte and food will be on-your-own.

So what is a REVOLVE GIRL?. . .

This is what real love is:It is not our love for God; It is God's love for us in sending his Son to be the way to take away our sins. - 1 John 4:10
So don't worry, because I am with you. Don't be afraid because I am your God. - Isaiah 41:10
If God is for us, no one can defeat us. Romans 8:31
Don's be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go. - Joshua 1:9
God loved us and through his grace he gave us a good hope & encouragement that continues forever. - 2 Thess. 2:16


Thank you for agreeing to serve as Bible Study teachers in the 2009-2010 church year. You are ALL important members of our Discipleship Ministry Team. I look forward to serving alongside of you this coming Bible Study year.

You are invited to join your fellow Bible Study teachers and outreach leaders for breakfast this coming Sunday, September 13th. We will meet at 8:00 a.m. in the dining hall. Our purpose is to CELEBRATE and AFFIRM your calling as Bible Study leaders and to gather for a time of PRAYer for our Bible Study ministry. We will have a time of corporate prayer led by Rev. Gene Phillips as well as a time of small group prayer.

Also, during both of our morning worship services, we will present our Bible Study Teachers to the congregation and offer a prayer of commissioning for your ministry.

Please let me know if you plan to attend the breakfast. I am thinking of fixing pancakes…..anyone game to help?

See you Sunday…..Ms. Tina
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Romans 10:15b

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Youth Ministry Team
I would like to rally some caring, supportive parents to assist me in the ministry to our youth. In part this team would look like a sounding board for ideas, schedules and troubleshooting (a "think tank," if you will) while also helping put feet and hands to what the Lord's doing among our students. Prayerfully consider if this sounds like something up your alley. Contact me (Marcus) to hear more.

Youth Council
This Wednesday night youth will begin nominationg fellow students to serve on a Youth Council. The council made up of one representative out of each grade and some additional team leaders will meet with Marcus every other month for a YC Meeting & lunch following Sunday church. The goal of this group during these meetings is to keep our student ministry relevant, healthy & exciting! They are the ears, eyes & mouths of our students. Start praying now...and make your nominations count. Nominations will occur this coming Wednesday night & Sunday morning and the Vote occuring on Sunday, September 20th during SMC.


ONE VOICE CHOIR - Begins this Sunday at 5pm!
All 6th - 12th graders are invited to join One Voice for the new choir season. No experience is necessary! Just have a willingness to use your voice to share words of love & encouragement through song. Be a part of something bigger than yourself apart of One Voice Choir this year! says the Dawn-ster!!

Every Wednesday night, Starting in Youth Exchange at 6:10pm!
Here is what the next three months on Wednesday nights look like for student interaction. The focus electives youth are committing to for three months are as follows:
Lydia's Loft Bible Club for Kids
C.P.R. /Emergency Responses
S.M.C. Praise Band
L/A/V Team (Lights, Audio & Visuals)
Youth gathering in the Exchange starting at 6:00pm and participate in group building fun at 6:10pm led by Andrew Danner. This is followed by announcements & prayer before being ushered off to their small group experiences in assign spaces. Focus groups are made up of different genders and ages to foster relationship building as the Body of Christ. An accountability is encouraged as they begin to share their lives as they interact around the focus item. Praise God for the GREAT start we have had. New folks are welcome!

Friday, August 28, 2009


The theme for our Blast Retreat '09 experience is "MAKING IMPRESSIONS..." Students will get a chance to see the ripples their life's witness has had on the people around them and the impressions God has given them and the impressions they might be giving back to God. They will also be challenged in this new school/church year to make NEW and LASTING IMPRESSIONS that will honor God on their campuses and with their families, both church and home. Through crazy get-to-know-yah games, group building activities, campfire singing and smores, worship gatherings & the beautiful mountain scenery pray that everyone will be safe and challenged this weekend in Christ Jesus.


Starting the first Wednesday in September youth will have a slightly NEW look to their Wednesday night small groups. At 6:10pm in the Youth Exchange Andrew Danner and Marcus will open with prayer, announcements and some crazy group building game. (Oh, thanks Andrew for this past Sunday getting us the tires so we could play REDNECK FRISBEE GOLF. It was outstanding!!) Then at 6:30-7:30pm students will go to their assigned rooms for their elective.

Last Sunday at SPAM night students began signing up for 1 of 7 small groups that will "focus" on particular electives. The small group electives for this fall are:

HEMP making (limited to 15)
CPR & Emergency Responses (limited t0 15)
BACKYARD Kids lub for Lydia's Loft
A/V/L (limited to 8)
SMC PRAISE BAND (limited to 10)

These electives will be offered for a three month term with the MAIN FOCUS being to build deeper Christ-centered relationships among the students while learning a skill they can use to share God's love with others. We would love it if you were able to join us this fall.

**If you are a college student to senior adult and God as given you a passion, contact Marcus today about the possibility of leading a small group elective in 2010.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


September Classes, Teachers & New Rooms
6th & 7th Grade Boys - Joey McMellon, Craig Orr - DC107
6th & 7th Grade Girls - Beth Henry, Brenda Kreitter - DC104
8th Grade (Coed) - Robby Bales, Joy Nall - DC103
9th & 10th Grade (Coed) - Robert Kreitter, Jeff Meckola - DC210
11th Grade (Coed) - Troy&Cheryl Messick, Greg&Sallie Bass - DC209
12th Grade (Coed) - Neal Clayton, Joe Henry - DC211
Praise God for those who served this past year as a Sunday morning youth teacher! May the seeds of faith God planted through you continue to grow under this year's new line up. Pray for them and offer assistance that they may be as successful as you have been. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


What to Bring
Pillow, Twin bedding or sleeping bag, Towel & toiletries
Insect Repellent, Small Blanket, Flip flops / tennis shoes
Bathing Suite & pool towel, Flash light (optional)
Bible (not optional), Notebook & pen
Watch for the weather & bring appropriate clothing for two nights & two days. It will probably be cooler in the evenings.
What NOT to Bring
Cell phones – Camp policy
Anything valuable that you don’t want lost or damaged
Electronic games (could get lost or damaged, also can be distracting)
Alcohol or tobacco products
Absolutely no drugs or drug paraphernalia
Anything that could get you in trouble
Anything that could distract you or others from experiencing Christ
Where is the Retreat
Hickory Cove
Bible Camp & Retreat Center
170 Ferguson Lane
Taylorsville, NC 28681
Phone: 828-632-2987
Business Manager: Wolfgang Salewski


BLAST 2009 Retreat Schedule
for August 28-30 at Hickory Cove Bible Camp

5:30pm Meet @ church and load up the buses
6:00pm Leave for Hickory, NC
7:00pm Arrive at camp & Eat
8:00pm Unload & get settled (cabins)
8:30pm Orientation & Icebreaker activities (chapel/field/lake)
10:30pm Large Group Worship 1(chapel)
12:00am In Your Cabin
12:30am Total Quiet

7:45am Rise & Shine
8:00am Breakfast
8:45am Quiet Time (alone with God)
9:15am Meeting in the chapel
9:30am Group Building Activities (field/gym)
10:30am Large Group – Worship 2 (chapel)
11:45am Get Cleaned Up for Lunch
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Free Time / Explore Time / Organized Games
(Gym or field sports; also 1-2:30 Pool, 2:30-4:30 Iceberg & Canoeing)
4:30pm Get Cleaned Up for Supper
5:00pm Supper
6:00pm Large Group Activity
8:00pm Meeting in the chapel
8:30pm Large Group Worship 3(chapel)
10:00pm Group Building/Large Group Fun
12:00am In Your Room
12:30am Total Quiet

7:45am Rise & Shine
8:00am Pack Up, Clean Up & Load Up
9:00am Quiet Time (alone with God)
9:15am Meeting in the chapel
9:30am Large Group Worship 4(chapel)
11:00am Brunch
12:00pm Leave for FBC_H

1:30pm Get Picked Up at FBC_H

Sunday, August 23, 2009


HANGTIME (11:49am; this Monday)
Hey High School YOUth! Monday, August 24, will be our last Hangtime of the summer. School for many will gear up on Tuesday, so if you can...join us! Hangtime will be at Panera Bread on Sam Furr Rd/Hwy 73 at exit 25 off of I-77. It's physical address is 9905 Knockando Drive, Huntersville; 704-655-1255. See you there!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Hey everyone! Remember to sign up BY THIS SUNDAY (AUGUST 23rd) for the Blast Retreat. Letters & forms were mailed out on August 11th to help with registration. The registration form is also on the church website. If you did not received this letter contact the church office today or see Marcus this Sunday. Don't forget that if you have a credit due you from Caswell, call the church office and have it transferred to your Blast Retreat account. You can then just pay the remaining amount and turn in the forms to reserve your student's spot on the bus. The retreat schedule, packing list and other related information will become available next Monday to those who are registered.

Dawn & Marcus Just Sent This Phone Tree Out

Join us this Sunday evening (August 23) from 5:30-7pm for our ORIENTATION for New Youth & SPAM NIGHT located in the church gym and dining hall. Things begin at 5:30pm with our ORIENTATION for those new to the youth department. Families will be able to hear from the youth guy and music lady about the many opportunities to plug into our student ministries and time for Q&A. Then starting at 6:00pm, be ready for SPAM Night! SPAM is a fun way to celebrate Student Performing Arts Ministries at FBC. There will be booths for all our Arts ministry groups, and you will be able to sign up for the ministry of your choice. And don’t forget, you will get to dine on those delicious SPAM Appetizers. my tummy! We hope to see you this Sunday evening at SPAM Night!


A Special Thanks goes out to Ma & Pa Dorcas for hooking us up with this place, cooking in the rain, cleaning up in the dark and just being the rockin parents we know and love. Muchas Gracious!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

WEEK OF AUGUST 7-23 Youth Activities

HANGTIME in the summer (every Tuesday @11:49am)
This Tuesday our rising 9th-12th graders will meet at IHOP (16815 Caldwell Creek Dr., Huntersville; 704-987-3295) for lunch. If you are in the area drop by and share how your summer has gone. This is the last Hang Time on the summer calendar, however the youth who've attended talked about trying one more on Monday before school starts. If you are interested, let Marcus know asap where you would like to go next Monday for HangTime.

MIDWEEK Home Connection
(This Wednesday from 5:30-8:30pm)
Wednesday, August 19th, will be our last home connection for the summer. The location is the Davidson College Lake Campus in Cornelius (152 Lake Campus Dr., Mooresville, 28117). Bus transportation will be available from the church, leaving at 5pm sharp and returning around 9pm. Wear your swimsuit and bring $3 for lake entrance fee, your favorite 2-liter soft drink and beach towel. We extend a special welcome to our rising 6th grade youth! It is great to have you aboard. Friends are always welcome!
Directions: To reach the Lake Campus from Huntersville take I-77 North to Langtree Rd Exit #31 (this is a new exit ramp) and turn left. Stay on Langtree for about 1 mile. Turn right onto Lake Campus Drive and follow to the gatehouse entrance. My cellular number is 864-245-8791 if you have any difficulty finding it.

Don't forget that this Sunday (August 23) is the deadline to sign-up for the Back-t0-School BLAST RETREAT! We will leave on Friday (August 28) at 6pm and return to the church on Sunday (August 30) at around 1:30pm. Cost is $81 which includes two nights lodging, transportation, program and all meals. Download your form today off our church website and turn it and your payment into the church office this week. Starting this fall off right...together!


Here is are few shout-outs of THANKS for people that have been the hands and feet of God to our youth this past year!

THANK YOU SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS for your leadership over this past year. You can be sure that the time you spent in prayer for the youth in your class, time preparing your sunday school lesson and time being with the youth and building relationships (when you could have been participating in your own adult class)...has been honored by God. The seeds have taken root and the youth are growing closer to God...because of you. Thank you!!

THANK YOU MIDWEEK HOSTS & LEADERS! The summer rocked because you opened your homes and/or came out to support our youth and got to know them. Those relationships are the things that our youth will remember over the long haul...your love!

THANK YOU SMALL GROUP LEADERS for your dedication this past year. You help create sacred space where youth could let down their guards in the midst of their busy week and discover they were cared for and missed. Those relationships in Christ will last forever!

Monday, August 10, 2009


The location for this Wednesday's home connection has been CHANGED from the Davidson College Lake Campus to the Lake House of Joey & Amber McMellon. The address and directions to the lake house are below. Midweek will be 5:30-8:30pm. Bus transportation will be available from church, leaving at 5pm sharp & returning by 9pm. We will have plenty of time for swimming, kayaks, paddle boat, canoing, devo by Drew Barnett, a crazy game, etc. Wear bathing suits and BRING beach towel, life jacket if you have one, beach chair if you need one, a 2-liter drink and Girls bring something SWEET/Guys bring something SALTY! The menu is hotdogs with chili & fixings, beans, and whatever you bring. Friends are welcome & encouraged to join us!

From I-77 at exit 25...Go west on Sam Furr Road 4 1/2 miles and turn right on Hagers Ferry Road. Follow past SouthLake Christian Academy and almost to dead end. Turn right onto Stinson Cove Road. Third house on right. 16312 is on mail box, look for gravel driveway. Additional parking is two doors past us on the right (look for signs). Walk around to backyard please.

The McMellons (Joey, Amber, Evan & Aaron)
16312 Stinson Cove Road; Huntersville NC 28078; 704-875-8358

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week of Aug. 2-9 & Aug. 10-16-Youth Activities

HANG TIME in the summer (every Tuesday @ 11:49am)
Hang Time will be at Vocelli's Pizza (2918 Gilead Rd., Huntersville; 704-875-1798) on August 4th and House of Taipei (16500 Northcross Drive, Huntersville; 704-987-7997) on August 11th. These times have been a great way for the high school youth to stay in touch with each other throughout the summer. You are welcome to join them for lunch if you are in town.

MIDWEEK Home Connection (every Wednesday through the summer; late afternoon/times vary)
This Wednesday, August 5th, MIDWEEK will be 6-9pm at Jim & Perry Smith's home (16425 Kimbolten Drive, Huntersville; 704-892-9650). There will be plenty of fun and pizza for everyone! The "tacky" game that we didn't get to last Midweek because of all the waterslide fun will definately happen this week. Catherine Diehl will bring the devo while Crissy Tatum will be encharge. (Remember...Marcus is away for a week of "playing with his sweetheart!") Remember everyone to bring--your favorite 2-liter drink, girls bring something SWEET/guys bring something SALTY. The following Wednesday, August 12th, MIDWEEK will be at the Davidson College Lake Campus. Watch for more details regarding this lake fellowship.

SMC & Sunday School News
August 2nd, youth will have a special treat with Andrew Danner leading the SMC devotion time while Marcus is away. Andrew will kicks off the new unit study of Ecclesiastes for the bible study group time. Join them at 9:00am sharp ready to worship and grow!

August 9th, during the SMC and Sunday school hour, the youth will get a chance to hear from those that went to Caswell Youth Camp about their experiences, particularly how God challenged them to grow. This will kick off at 9am in the Exchange and move to the Dining Hall after the SMC worship and prayer time. Join us as the group shares their testimonies, pictures and video clips! I know it will be a blessing to everyone.

August 16th, the Ukraine mission team will share during the SMC & Sunday School time how they saw God at work on their mission trip. This will all be in the Exchange Auditorium. Come ready to be blessed through testimonies, pictures, videos, song and prayer.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Help spread the word that the 3-0n-3 basketball tournament date has been changed. It originally was on Sunday, August 9 from 4-7pm. It has been moved to Sunday, October 18 from 1-5pm. We believe this will allow more families to participate as vacations will be over, school will have resumed and the weather will be a bit cooler.

Week of July 27-Aug.1 Youth Activities

HANG TIME in the Summer (every Tuesday @ 11:49am)
This week (July 28) the high school youth will eat at Tenders located at the intersection of Hwy 21/Statesville Rd and Westmoreland Road (18341 Statesville Rd;704-895-6017). If you can drop in for lunch & prayer, it would be better than a pack of peanuts poured into a frosted bottle of Pepsi Cola on a hot summer day!

MIDWEEK Home Connections (every Wednesday through the summer; late afternoon/times vary)
This Wednesday at 6-9pm the home connection will be at Bill & Dawn Tatum's home located at 5471 Ashbury Lane in Davidson (704-795-4800). All youth remember to bring: a 2-liter drink, Guys bring something SALTY/Girls bring something SWEET, bathing suits for an amazing water slide, changing of clothes, towel & tennis shoes if interested in street basketball. Schuyler Petty will lead our devo time. There will be other games available. I promise this time there will be no flour, chocolate syrup, ketchup or bake beans involved. You can count on however that one game will be quite "tacky"...ha, ha, ha! Friends are welcome and encouraged to join us.



Friday, July 24, 2009


Join us in October for some family fun and the opportunity to raise some money for world hunger!
Sunday, October 18th

Time: 1-5pm
(1-2:30pm & 3:30-5pm-tournaments; 2:30-3:30pm-contests:3-point, free throw & half-court)

Location: First Baptist, Huntersville
(back right parking lot if weather permits)

Nice prizes will be awarded. Additional donations accepted for world hunger. Watch for registration information in September's Blog!
**Adults or youth interested in assisting Marcus in leading this event, contact him by September.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Joy (Kylie and Jessie's mom) asked for some help for this Saturday, July 25th, between the hours of 10 - 12 noon to pack up her home. If any one is available to help, adult and/or youth, she would welcome the assistance. Her address and contact number is: 8807 Glenside Street; 704-875-3679


Cheryl, Rob and Briann Messick are flying to Philidelphia today to the Shriners Hospital. Briann's back surgery is Thursday, July 23, morning. She should be discharged Sunday or Monday and is scheduled to fly back on Tuesday. Pray that she stays healthy (the family too). Pray for Rob as he will be staying at home and with a neighbor.

Briann's surgery went well today. She is now resting comfortably in the ICU. She will hopefully be moved to regular room tomorrow. Thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray that her pain can me managed and that she will begin to heal quickly. Also please pray that the nurses as well as Troy & I will have the wisdom to know how to provide for her needs as she begins to recover. Thanks for praying.---Cheryl (Thursday-23rd)

Few Mo Pics from Caswell '09

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This year the Legendary BLAST RETREAT will be earlier than normal. It will kick-off our fall ministries as everyone steps into the new school year. The retreat will be at Hickory Cove on August 28-30, 2009. This is where the retreat was held last year that I heard had such delicious food and a beautiful campus. Yes, this will be a Friday to Sunday retreat!! The cost has gone up some due to the increase of one night's lodging and the additional meals. The cost will be $81 per person. Sorry for communicating out the wrong price earlier. It had been based on a one night stay. More information will be forth coming. This is a great way to spiritually jump start the fall! Friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be a reimbursement coming back to those who attended Caswell Youth Camp. Transportation to Caswell was cheaper than anticipated. Contact the church and have it applied to your Blast Retreat balance today and help save a tree.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mo Pics from Caswell Youth Week '09

Week of July 20-26 Youth Activities

HANGTIME in the Summer (every Tuesday @ 11:49am)
This week the high school youth including rising 9th will eat at Tijuana Flats at 9826 Gilead Road (704)948-6242. Join us for a bite, fellowship and prayer.

MIDWEEK Home Connection (every Wednesday through the summer; late afternoon/times vary)
This Wednesday at 6-9pm our home connection activities will be at the Latta Springs Lake Pavillion near Lisa & Craig Orr's home. Youth are encouraged to bring a towel, change of clothes, a 2-liter drink (or) snack, wear bathing suits, water shoes (if you don't like squishy lake bottoms). Kayaks will be out and grilled burgers & hot dogs are on the menu. You may want to bring beach chairs or towel to sit on.

Directions to Midweek this week:
From Beatties Ford Road (Latta Springs neighborhood is near Hopewell High School), enter Latta Springs on April Mist Trail. Drive past the pool to Stop Sign. Take left, this is Latta Springs Circle. Drive to the end of Latta Springs Circle and you will see the entrance to the Lake Pavillion. There will be a balloon out as a marker. Contact Lisa Orr at 704-941-8322 (mobile) or 704-947-9567 (home) if you have any questions or would like to help host.

Kudos to the Caswell Youth Camp staff

It is great to be home!!!...(yet) Caswell Youth Camp '09 was a WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. Here are a few pics from the week to enjoy. Hopefully we can have some DVDs burned and available by this Sunday. Thanks to everyone who helped make this trip possible through faithful prayers, financial assistance, chaperoning, transportation, etc. This year the youth were challenged to evaluate their LOVE RELATIONSHIP with God through Christ Jesus and how it was actively being expressed in LOVING their neighbor. If you were unable to attend, take some time to call a camper and ask them how they were challenged and experienced God at Fort Caswell this week.