Watch for upcoming commercials advertising the leaders and content of these small group electives to begin in January. Wednesday nights provide more opportunities to deepen your relationships with each other and God! Plus...the electives ROCK! Also if you are an adult, college & career age or Jr/Sr in high school and would like to help with one of these groups beginning January, contact Marcus asap. (:
1) Drawing from Scripture (Art)
During the art option, you will explore scripture through the use of mixed media expression and drawing meaning from the process.
2) Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball or Team Handball (Sports)
For those of you that want to burn some energy and like organized competition, this is for you. During this time, you will be placed on a team and play a game of Ultimate Frisbee, Volley Ball or Team Handball.
3) For Juniors & Seniors Only (Discussion & Accountability Small Group)
One of the largest life changes that can be made is graduating high school, leaving home and moving off to college, or getting into the working world. This time is designed to encourage & equip you, as a Junior or Senior, with the necessary knowledge to be prepared for the first year out of high school. It will discuss how to prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the change that will be taking place.
4) Hanging with the Techies (Technical)
During the technical option, you will be introduced to the lighting, sound and visual equipment used in the exchange, including a basic explanation of how it is set up and how to properly run it. You’ll also be given an opportunity to choose an area of interest, spend time with the equipment & help run it on Sundays.
5) A Call to Worship – SMC Praise Bands 1 & 2 (Music)
This option is a time for you to express and communicate through worship in song & instrument. You’ll come together for about an hour to not only learn a song or two together as a group, but learn to lead them as a praise band. Newer musicians will break off to work on their skills while the other group will prepare for Sunday’s student SMC.
6) WWM - WorldWide Missions (Missions)
This team will implement projects both local and international that share Gods love. No matter if you feel called to full time missions or are exploring what it means to live a life of missions, this option will help you discover how to love your neighbors into God’s Kingdom. All of us are called to be missionaries no matter where we are or what our surroundings look like. This option will explore what the Bible says about missions and look at practical ways that can help you get plugged into a world of needs and opportunity.
7) Guitar (Instrumental)
Got a Guitar? Want a Guitar? Want to play radio tunes, but you’re not sure how? Don't know the difference between a fret board and a tuning peg? Maybe you are ready to go electric. Regardless of your skill level and knowledge, this option will try to answer all these questions. You’ll learn how to maintain and care for guitars, teach each other chords, and figure out how to put it all together to make music! WARNING!!! These are not formal guitar lessons, but instead a relaxed forum for all musicians of all levels hanging out, learn from each other & creating Music.
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