Wednesday, January 14, 2015

High School Mission Trip Information Meeting this Sunday

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH & PARENTS: This Sunday, Jan. 18 from 10:40-11:00 am in DC-103/104 there will be an opportunity for High School students & parents to gather & discuss details around the summer mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Discussion includes costs/fundraisers, travel, location, itinerary, training, safety, supplies needed, etc. Dates of the trip are July 11-18, 2015. We need to know if your student will be able to attend the trip to begin making proper arrangements. If you already know they cannot participate due to a schedule conflict, let Marcus know. Thanks & hope to see you at FBCH on Sunday!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


WINTER JAM - This Weekend!
Join us Sunday, January 18, 2015 from 1:00-10:00 pm as we attend Winter Jam 2015 Tour Spectacular at Time Warner Arena. We leave FBC-H at 1:00 pm. Doors open at 5:00 pm. Show begins at 6:00 pm. Everyone is welcome!
Cash Needed: $12 ($2 transportation + $10 for a ticket at the gate)
(Encouraged to bring additional $ for meal, snacks & souvenirs)
Students must have a permission form completed and turned in to office by Wednesday, Jan. 14 to attend trip with FBC-H Group. Here's the web link to the permission form:

Monday, January 12, 2015

Important Survey for Our Youth

ATTENTION FBC-H YOUTH: There's an important survey you need to ponder and come ready this Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm in the Exchange to ask questions and respond. Your voice matters and the decisions made from this data collected will directly impact you - future SMCs, youth space, worship times, etc.  If you haven't turned one in, please click the link below, read over the survey and come ready Wednesday night to ask questions and to fill out a hard copy of the survey provided.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Reminder of January's Schedule!!

9:00 am - Contemporary Worship 
(Xchange Auditorium)
10:00 am - Bible Study for All Ages 
(locations on bulletin board behind DC Desk) 
11:00 am - Traditional Worship 
11:00 am - Latino Worship 
(Xchange Auditorium)
Next SMC Service (Sunday Morning Celebration) led by students will be Jan. 18 
in the Xchange Auditorium at 10:00 am.