Monday, November 22, 2010

The Joy of Serving!

On Wednesday nights YOUth are needed to help clean up the dining hall, gym and kitchen by gathering salt & pepper shakers, silverware, chairs & tables, picking up trash and even doing some dishes in the kitchen around 6:00 pm. Let's pitch in and let our church know that youth are worth the investment and get to know some of our awesome senior adults while enjoying the bubbles!

Youth Sitters Needed - Dec 4

On Saturday, December 4, from 4:30-9:30 pm roughly 4 youth and an adult are needed to sit children of the Curtis Sunday School Class. They are having their progressive Christmas party from 5:00-9:00 pm and anticipate 10 children to watch. Donations will be collected & distributed equally to participating youth to go towards their summer camp or retreats. Please contact Marcus at by Wednesday, Dec. 1st, if interested.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thanksgiving Celebration - Wednesday, Nov. 17

Attention all youth & student leadership: On Wednesday, November 17, all students are encourage to come to the Exchange for a special worship celebration from 6:30-7:30pm. Everyone is welcome! Bring an item or talent you would like to offer to God in worship & thanksgiving. It may be a song, an instrumental selection, a skit, a poem or a piece of artwork you have been working on which you would like to share with the group. You may have a testimony of how you've see God at work recently in your life. Whatever it is...bring it Wednesday, November 17 for this informal time of praising our Lord together. At 6:10-6:30pm youth will have a time of mixers, announcements & prayer before the celebration begins. Hope to see yah there!

Wednesday Nights in November

Nov. 3 - Money Talks (HS-Pluer), Fat Boy Chronicles (MS-Marcus)
Nov. 10 - Money Talks (HS-Pluer), Fat Boy Chronicles (MS-Marcus)
Nov. 17 - Celebration (HS & MS-Exchange)
Nov. 24 - Thankgiving Break - No Reg. Activities

Monday, November 1, 2010

Friday NIte Lights! Tailgate, Bonfire & More

Youth of First Baptist Church, Huntersville will join Independence Hill Baptist youth for a Tailgate Fellowship this Friday night from 5-6:30pm before heading to various high school football games. There will be free food, prizes, a DJ & time to just hangout with friends. Everyone will then head to their various football games only to return at 10pm at IHBC for a bonfire fellowship with smores, games and more hangout time. Friends are welcome & encouraged!

Church transportation will pull out of our church parking lot at 4:45pm Friday to go to IHBC and return to FBCH by 12am following the bonfire fellowship. All youth riding the bus must have a general permission form (from our church website) to board the bus.

Parents - please designate on the form if you are picking them up early from the game or IHBC!
If older youth drive separate to the tailgate & bonfire, they cannot carry other youth with them that came from the church and are not FBCH's responsibility.

Remember to dress WARMLY! Bring some money to enter the football games (if it cost for students), snack money while at the football game and money for additional chances to win in various drawings if desired. First entries are free!

1 - GRILL to add to our Tailgate Cooking
4 - adult chaperone(s)
6 - side dishes for hotdog/hamburger meal (ie. baked beans, pasta salad,slaw, etc)
2 - cornhole boards with bags
lots of can sodas

Contact Marcus at for more information.