Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Blast Retreat was a BLAST!!

Here are some pictures from our Blast Retreat this past weekend. Enjoy! Campers, don't forget what God showed you on this retreat about the relationships you have and the relationship(s) you need to have. Keep investing in your relationship with God (Keeping It Real) and you will indeed be a SURVIVOR-N-CHRIST!

Marcus would like copies of everyone's camp pictures. Please bring him a disk or thumb drive with copies of your Blast photos. Thank!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Festival/Trunk-or-Treat this Wednesday!!

Attentional All Youth & Parents of Youth!
The YOUTH have been put in charge of this year's Fall Festival games that occurs tomorrow evening from 6-7:30 pm. Here are list of games they have decided to lead for the children. Please make sure that you are assigned to one of these activities and come prepared to lead it with enthusiasm. Our children and their parents are depending on YOU!
1) Face Painting
2) Bonfire with Smores - 12th graders
3) Treasure Hunt in the Hey
4) Fishing Game
5) Treat Walk
6) Corn Hole (Bean Bag Toss)
7) Possibly (Caricatures)
Email Marcus at to get on the leadership list as soon as possible. Also, we still need lots of cars for Trunk-or-Treat. Remember to contact Beth Warner at 704-948-4107 & register your car (youth and adults)! Bring candies that are safe for children & remember it is a Scare-Free zone! Thanks and see yah tomorrow night!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Live Auction for World Hunger this Sunday!!

Support FBC's efforts to reduce World Hunger by coming to the Live Auction this Sunday, October 17th from 5-8pm in the FBC Huntersville gym. The office is filling up with some really cool items for this auction. Bring your wallets, friends & their wallets & let's have a fun Sunday afternoon together. (50% of all W.H. proceeds go to Haiti, 25% Loaves & Fishes, 25% Angels & Sparrows)

Sunday's Schedule (10/17/10)
9:00am - morning worship service (sanctuary)
10:15am - sunday morning celebration (exchange)
10:35am - youth sunday school (classrooms)
12:00pm - youth council meeting (the cookout)
3:00pm - handbell 1 (s201)/drama (ed 204)/praise dance (ed 201)
4:00pm - youth choir-o.v.c. (sanctuary)
5:00pm - w.h. live auction (gym)

Friday, October 8, 2010

What Youth Camp/Mission Trip Will We Do Summer of 2011?

I want your voice to be heard! It's time to give your input on what youth camp/mission trip you think we should do this coming summer. Our youth council and I felt we needed to combine our summer youth camp experience (Caswell) with our summer mission trip this summer to help ease the budgets of families this year. This summer's options based on our church calendar are listed below. Please email your choices and rational behind your choices to This will help inform our decision. Thanks!

M-fuge: $280-$300; 600-1000 youth present; locations are Greenville, SC on July 18-23 & July 25-30 (or) Charleston, SC on July 18-23

World Changers: $260-$270; 200-250 youth present; locations are Sugar Hill, Ga on July 25-30 (or) Tabor City, NC on July 25-30

Passport Choices: $330-340; about 350 youth present; location is Wingate, NC on July 17-22 & July 24-29

Big Stuf: $370-380; about 1500 youth present; location is Panama City Beach, Fl on July 17-21 or July 23-27

Mt. Marketplace Mission: Webster Springs, WV; cost to-be-determined; FBC-H youth only group involved; dates would be similar to those offered above.

ALL of these choices are great opportunities for our youth to experience this summer. You have till Oct. 15 to respond so your voice is heard. Hope to hear from you-th & parents soon!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

World Hunger Day was Amazing!

Here are some photos from our World Hunger Event (September 25th) on a beautiful day with a loving community rallying around a great cause. Praise be to God!

Friday, October 1, 2010

things to ponder

"Confession is probably the most neglected area in prayer today." --- Bill Hybels

"I've never been closer to God my whole life than when I was in pain!" (This is Craig Groeschel's grandma's response of what she thought about the seventy-two hours she was on the bathroom floor after her stroke till someone found her)