How will you spend the day? Start with this devotional and then go make a snowman (or) woman and post it on your facebook. Hope to see you soon!
Read --- ACTS 9:36-42 & ponder these questions:
1) Like Tabitha, will others remember you for your servant heart? What evidence can you think of that you are leaving behind that others were more important to you?
2) How might you be like Tabitha (Dorcas) being call to "get up" and continue the good race? What is your "good race"?
3) How might you be like Peter being call to do the unthinkable? Are there folks that you are being compelled to wake-up from their cold slumber? Who will get the glory from you trusting God more than your own ability?
Prayer --- Thank you God, for the opportunities to serve others. I show my love to you when I move over and let you lead my heart. Help me decrease that you may increase! Amen.