Hey everyone,
D.Now has come and gone....and what a RIDE! Can you believe all the energy that went into this event and it zipped past us like nobody's business...taking names and numbers. However, it has not just become a memory! The work the Lord began during this experience hopefully is being rooted in prayer, bible study, in caring Christian relationships and in the living out of that growth. We shouldn't forget the work He began in us during d.now.
Philippians 1:6 --“being confident of this, that he who began a good work
in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.”
Whether through the challenging words from Graham or during the late night Cell Group discussion in your Safe Houses, don't forget how you were stretched. Don't forget what He taught you. When you were building props and forming new bonds with others, don't forget what He was showing you.
We would like to know your experiences from this year's d.now. Even if you were not able to attend this year we invite you as well to take just a few minutes to fill out this brief survey and give us insight in how next year could be better. You can go to http://yukon-learning.articulate-online.com/9675747318 to fill out the survey.
Our recent D.Now Leadership Team Debriefing was Thursday, April 30th. The team members present left the debriefing feeling a strong sense of success over the event but with many opportunities for improvement as they look to 2010. There were not enough surveys returned for them to be of any help in the evaluation at this point, so please be sure you fill one out.
As just a personal note to everyone who helped made this D.Now Weekend possible....KUDOS! Praise Jesus! To God Be the Glory! I enjoyed my first discipleship weekend with you all and was so impressed with everyones love and support of the students and the church's ministry to them. I am so looking forward to what's next!