Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week of Aug. 2-9 & Aug. 10-16-Youth Activities

HANG TIME in the summer (every Tuesday @ 11:49am)
Hang Time will be at Vocelli's Pizza (2918 Gilead Rd., Huntersville; 704-875-1798) on August 4th and House of Taipei (16500 Northcross Drive, Huntersville; 704-987-7997) on August 11th. These times have been a great way for the high school youth to stay in touch with each other throughout the summer. You are welcome to join them for lunch if you are in town.

MIDWEEK Home Connection (every Wednesday through the summer; late afternoon/times vary)
This Wednesday, August 5th, MIDWEEK will be 6-9pm at Jim & Perry Smith's home (16425 Kimbolten Drive, Huntersville; 704-892-9650). There will be plenty of fun and pizza for everyone! The "tacky" game that we didn't get to last Midweek because of all the waterslide fun will definately happen this week. Catherine Diehl will bring the devo while Crissy Tatum will be encharge. (Remember...Marcus is away for a week of "playing with his sweetheart!") Remember everyone to bring--your favorite 2-liter drink, girls bring something SWEET/guys bring something SALTY. The following Wednesday, August 12th, MIDWEEK will be at the Davidson College Lake Campus. Watch for more details regarding this lake fellowship.

SMC & Sunday School News
August 2nd, youth will have a special treat with Andrew Danner leading the SMC devotion time while Marcus is away. Andrew will kicks off the new unit study of Ecclesiastes for the bible study group time. Join them at 9:00am sharp ready to worship and grow!

August 9th, during the SMC and Sunday school hour, the youth will get a chance to hear from those that went to Caswell Youth Camp about their experiences, particularly how God challenged them to grow. This will kick off at 9am in the Exchange and move to the Dining Hall after the SMC worship and prayer time. Join us as the group shares their testimonies, pictures and video clips! I know it will be a blessing to everyone.

August 16th, the Ukraine mission team will share during the SMC & Sunday School time how they saw God at work on their mission trip. This will all be in the Exchange Auditorium. Come ready to be blessed through testimonies, pictures, videos, song and prayer.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Help spread the word that the 3-0n-3 basketball tournament date has been changed. It originally was on Sunday, August 9 from 4-7pm. It has been moved to Sunday, October 18 from 1-5pm. We believe this will allow more families to participate as vacations will be over, school will have resumed and the weather will be a bit cooler.

Week of July 27-Aug.1 Youth Activities

HANG TIME in the Summer (every Tuesday @ 11:49am)
This week (July 28) the high school youth will eat at Tenders located at the intersection of Hwy 21/Statesville Rd and Westmoreland Road (18341 Statesville Rd;704-895-6017). If you can drop in for lunch & prayer, it would be better than a pack of peanuts poured into a frosted bottle of Pepsi Cola on a hot summer day!

MIDWEEK Home Connections (every Wednesday through the summer; late afternoon/times vary)
This Wednesday at 6-9pm the home connection will be at Bill & Dawn Tatum's home located at 5471 Ashbury Lane in Davidson (704-795-4800). All youth remember to bring: a 2-liter drink, Guys bring something SALTY/Girls bring something SWEET, bathing suits for an amazing water slide, changing of clothes, towel & tennis shoes if interested in street basketball. Schuyler Petty will lead our devo time. There will be other games available. I promise this time there will be no flour, chocolate syrup, ketchup or bake beans involved. You can count on however that one game will be quite "tacky"...ha, ha, ha! Friends are welcome and encouraged to join us.



Friday, July 24, 2009


Join us in October for some family fun and the opportunity to raise some money for world hunger!
Sunday, October 18th

Time: 1-5pm
(1-2:30pm & 3:30-5pm-tournaments; 2:30-3:30pm-contests:3-point, free throw & half-court)

Location: First Baptist, Huntersville
(back right parking lot if weather permits)

Nice prizes will be awarded. Additional donations accepted for world hunger. Watch for registration information in September's Blog!
**Adults or youth interested in assisting Marcus in leading this event, contact him by September.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Joy (Kylie and Jessie's mom) asked for some help for this Saturday, July 25th, between the hours of 10 - 12 noon to pack up her home. If any one is available to help, adult and/or youth, she would welcome the assistance. Her address and contact number is: 8807 Glenside Street; 704-875-3679


Cheryl, Rob and Briann Messick are flying to Philidelphia today to the Shriners Hospital. Briann's back surgery is Thursday, July 23, morning. She should be discharged Sunday or Monday and is scheduled to fly back on Tuesday. Pray that she stays healthy (the family too). Pray for Rob as he will be staying at home and with a neighbor.

Briann's surgery went well today. She is now resting comfortably in the ICU. She will hopefully be moved to regular room tomorrow. Thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray that her pain can me managed and that she will begin to heal quickly. Also please pray that the nurses as well as Troy & I will have the wisdom to know how to provide for her needs as she begins to recover. Thanks for praying.---Cheryl (Thursday-23rd)

Few Mo Pics from Caswell '09

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This year the Legendary BLAST RETREAT will be earlier than normal. It will kick-off our fall ministries as everyone steps into the new school year. The retreat will be at Hickory Cove on August 28-30, 2009. This is where the retreat was held last year that I heard had such delicious food and a beautiful campus. Yes, this will be a Friday to Sunday retreat!! The cost has gone up some due to the increase of one night's lodging and the additional meals. The cost will be $81 per person. Sorry for communicating out the wrong price earlier. It had been based on a one night stay. More information will be forth coming. This is a great way to spiritually jump start the fall! Friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be a reimbursement coming back to those who attended Caswell Youth Camp. Transportation to Caswell was cheaper than anticipated. Contact the church and have it applied to your Blast Retreat balance today and help save a tree.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mo Pics from Caswell Youth Week '09

Week of July 20-26 Youth Activities

HANGTIME in the Summer (every Tuesday @ 11:49am)
This week the high school youth including rising 9th will eat at Tijuana Flats at 9826 Gilead Road (704)948-6242. Join us for a bite, fellowship and prayer.

MIDWEEK Home Connection (every Wednesday through the summer; late afternoon/times vary)
This Wednesday at 6-9pm our home connection activities will be at the Latta Springs Lake Pavillion near Lisa & Craig Orr's home. Youth are encouraged to bring a towel, change of clothes, a 2-liter drink (or) snack, wear bathing suits, water shoes (if you don't like squishy lake bottoms). Kayaks will be out and grilled burgers & hot dogs are on the menu. You may want to bring beach chairs or towel to sit on.

Directions to Midweek this week:
From Beatties Ford Road (Latta Springs neighborhood is near Hopewell High School), enter Latta Springs on April Mist Trail. Drive past the pool to Stop Sign. Take left, this is Latta Springs Circle. Drive to the end of Latta Springs Circle and you will see the entrance to the Lake Pavillion. There will be a balloon out as a marker. Contact Lisa Orr at 704-941-8322 (mobile) or 704-947-9567 (home) if you have any questions or would like to help host.

Kudos to the Caswell Youth Camp staff

It is great to be home!!!...(yet) Caswell Youth Camp '09 was a WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. Here are a few pics from the week to enjoy. Hopefully we can have some DVDs burned and available by this Sunday. Thanks to everyone who helped make this trip possible through faithful prayers, financial assistance, chaperoning, transportation, etc. This year the youth were challenged to evaluate their LOVE RELATIONSHIP with God through Christ Jesus and how it was actively being expressed in LOVING their neighbor. If you were unable to attend, take some time to call a camper and ask them how they were challenged and experienced God at Fort Caswell this week.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Caswell Youth Camp Update

Monday (July 13) is just around the corner and are you ready? Are you prayed up, paid up, peed up & all your forms turned into the office? If your answer to all of these are "Yes"...Hallalujah! If you answer "no" to any of these, then as my grandma always said, "Get on the stick, Boy!" It will be here before you know it and I am ready. Here are a couple of things you didn't know...UNTIL NOW!

1) We will leave at 7:00am sharp so that means you should be in the parking lot at 6-6:30am to help load luggage, get checked-off for having everything turned in, claim your seat and share in prayer. We will then be beach bound! (There will be no breakfast stops.)

2) You need $ for 2 lunches in route, coming and going. Please don't bumb $ from the chaps. They like to eat too.

3) All you talented folks need to read the Variety Show page in your Caswell Info Pack again. We will not be returning home midweek to get your Kazoos!

4) Contact the church office by this Friday noon to know what's left to pay or to get Vickie to notarize your release forms (Remember - 2 notorized copies & a copy of your medical card).

Week of July 6th - 12th Youth Activities

HANG TIME - Notice location change!
This week's Hang Time for high schoolers has been changed to the Atami Grill in Cornelius. This location was previously scheduled at Donatos. Join us if you are free for lunch every Tuesdays at 11:49am. See earlier post for upcoming Hang Time locations.

8301 Magnolia Estates Dr. Cornelius, 28031; 704-892-9171

This week's home connection will be @ the Mashburn's homestead from 5:30-8:30pm. This is a change from the previous scheduled time so help pass this information along. Come prepared to swim, play large group outdoor games, eat and share in a devotion. Oh, one game will get quite messy!! Dress accordingly! There is also a tennis court available. Ms. Catherine Diehl will be sharing our devo. Once again everyone, make daily time with your Creator a priority. God likes that!! Use your Total Devotion book to help! What to bring?...Same stuff! Guys bring something Salty/Girls bring something Sweet. Everyone bring a 2-liter. And of course friends are Welcome!!
Mashburn's address - 12309 McCord Road, Huntersville, 28078; 704-875-3760

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sunday Morning Celebration Reminder!

Don't forget that SMC is at 9:00am this Sunday in the Exchange Auditorum and Worshp is at 10:30am. If you are out of town on vacation or such, make sure you attend a church where you are or lead your family and/or friends in a time of worship & bible study.

Mo Pics from MIDWEEK

Congrats to Amanda & Sam for Winning the Shaved Head Contest!

I think I could get use to this!!

Isn't she a little young for you? The shaving lotion mohawk isn't fooliing anyone!

MIDWEEK @ the Helms was Oh So Nice!! Thanks!!

If you weren't able to join us for this past Midweek home connection, you were missed. Here are a few pics to let you know how much fun we had. Next Wednesday we will be at the Mashburns home. Watch for a possible time change moving Midweek a little later on that day.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Good news from the Ukraine!! Today is Wednesday so the team will be going to church tonight. They probably got to rest more this afternoon. Pray for them especially as a few of them, maybe all will be speaking at church tonight. Pray that God will let them know what they should say and give them the courage to say it. Not all of the team is all that comfortable speaking in front of groups. (that would be me!) Tomorrow, they will likely be traveling to Skytka which is a 20 minutes bumpy van ride. The children here are poorer and just as sweet. This village doesn’t have a church building. They meet in a house or outside, depending on the weather. This is the village where the little girl has the bad burns on her neck and chest. Hopefully, down the road, we can help to facilitate the surgery she will one day need as her skin grows and stretches. She is beautiful, quiet and so sweet and is about 5 years old. This is also the village where last year we found one of our young friends (about age 13) with a leg that had been operated on 9 months previously yet he was still on crutches. John and I have known him since 2006. I pray his leg is better and if not, I pray God will provide a way to get him some help. A 13 year old doesn’t need to be on crutches if it’s not necessary. It’s about 5pm for them right now…church is at 7pm. Take care and keep praying…

Oh, how could I forget to publish this picture of Dr. J & His model Evann with an N! YOU burlymon! I enjoyed chowing with you at Hang Time yesterday.